It’s always tricky when you are driving in the rain because even a slight error can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. We are assuming that that’s exactly happened to a Nissan truck that was captured via the Teslacam video. The Nissan truck skidded across the expressway and ended up hitting a Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot.

The video of the accident was posted on YouTube by Troy Davis. Davis has mentioned that the Autopilot was active at the time of the accident. Davis wrote, ‘As soon as I saw the truck coming at me I mashed the brakes. I’m not sure if the car or I reacted first.’ Either way, this is not the sort of accident where you would blame the Autopilot.

The clip has garnered quite a reaction and Davis has responded to many of the comments. The very first was about whether the driver of the Nissan truck was caught or not. Canal Tesla Brasil wrote, ‘You mentioned on a comment that this was a hit-and-run. Did they ever catch the other driver?’ Davis responded to this comment and said that the driver had not been caught. Another commentator wanted to inquire about something that they observed. Jeffrey Young wrote, ‘Troy, it appears that AutoPilot steered away to the leftmost edge of the current lane that you were traveling in when the truck approached your lane. Then, it appears that there was a secondary action to leave your current lane and into the left shoulder. Can you confirm if this secondary action into the left shoulder was your own manual action and not the action of AutoPilot? Thank you.’

Davis replied to this comment by saying, ‘Jeffrey, as soon as I recognized there was an issue, which was pretty fast, I mashed the brakes. That would disengage the autopilot. I already had a hand on the wheel and was looking for an out. I tried to get around on the left shoulder slope to the median but there was really no escape.’
We are just happy to see that everyone involved in the incident is safe and sound. What do you think about this accident?