Nowadays, in order to address one’s curiosity and to practically pursue that curiosity, one does not need a proper setup of a laboratory or a huge garage to experiment in. Things have become easily available and accessible for people of any kind. People can take help from the internet in the things they are not sure of. Therefore, the environment and atmosphere around them make them entirely capable of running independent research and experimentations without the fear of damaging or significant accidents.
Similarly, a group of engineers has a YouTube channel from Russia, and they recently performed a mesmerizing experiment for car enthusiasts that brought quite intriguing results. The channel is called Garage 54 and they do some amazing things with cars.

Basically, they aimed to convert a diesel engine into a gasoline one. Essentially, both kinds of engines execute with the help of internal combustion. However, nothing else in the foundation of these engines is similar. They took a Toyota 2CT turbodiesel engine from a minivan for their operation.
The engine was first disassembled, and the parts were made squeaky clean. By principle, the combustion ratio in the combustion chamber for diesel must be bigger than the combustion ratio for gasoline. If the ratio is kept too high for gasoline, it can turn into a disastrous explosion. They made the ratio lower by making adjustments in the engine. These adjustments also led them to machine down the pistons by 4mm. A diesel engine needs to spark plugs as well. By removing the fuel pump, which was no longer necessary, spark plugs were inserted.
The engine was then reassembled, and the car was fueled up. The vehicle started on the first attempt. However, the experience was not smooth, particularly at low revs. This could be labeled as a borderline success. However, even if the technology is adopted by the industry, internal combustion engines have a bleak future with reduced fuel dependency on conventional resources.