In case you felt like Apple wasn’t robbing you enough, you can now purchase a $19 cleaning cloth separately to feel scammed by Apple, once again!
We swear we’re not making this up. Apple recently released a polishing cloth along with the launch of its new MacBook Pros, the M1 Pro and Max chips, and third-generation AirPods. But unlike the MacBooks, this product by Apple is one of the hardest to get your hands on, well if you’re willing to spend $19 on a cleaning cloth, that is.

The 6.3 inch-sided square piece of fabric is now backordered, as stated by The New York Times. And according to Apple’s website, you won’t be able to get it for another 10-12 weeks *bumper*. We’re really sorry to break this tragic turn of events but the earliest you can get your hands on this unique and truly out of this world cleaning cloth is sometime between January 7th and January 21st next year. So chances are, if you order a MacBook Pro right now, you’ll probably get that delivered way before you get the cloth and that’s saying something about Apple’s delivery time.

iFixit which is a global community of people helping each other repair things gave an in-depth review of the cleaning cloth. They revealed how the cloth is actually two pieces of material glued together and even used a microscope to compare it to a regular microfiber. The analysis is a brief one, given it’s a cloth used for cleaning and not much more but it’s definitely worth a look if you’re into all the cleaning wizardry.
The iFixit article actually breaks down the new MacBook Pro but the crew got distracted by the $19 cloth and started reviewing it as well but it’s definitely worth the laughs (and read).