A Houston weatherman had the perfect timing when he was warning fellow Texans that the state’s ongoing heat wave might cause widespread power outages and the studio’s electricity suddenly shut off.
Fortunately, the power went out for a few minutes, and the studio’s backup generator kept the cameras going. Still, the ironic clip highlights the extremity of the region’s high temperatures.
“And to be clear, we’re not sure why the power went out temporarily in our building,” weatherman Travis Herzog clarified. “What I can tell you is that grid conditions are getting *really* tight. Hopefully, we can get through this with the lights and A/C ON!”
The Lone Star state is exceedingly scorching right now. Some regions are on track to record their hottest seasons ever on record, and experts are warning that the climate change-induced conditions will likely intensify the state’s worsening drought.

The weather is so bad, in fact, that even bitcoin miners have voluntarily shut down Texas operations.
The New York Times reports that the brutal heat, which is also affecting large parts of the Midwest, will intensify next week.