Ah yes, Russia, the land of unpredictable norms and culture where a militarized version of the Olympics called the Army Games takes place every year. And it’s exactly how it sounds like; it’s a competition involving tank battles (okay, not real battles), special forces and air defense contests, and of course, a cooking competition (who doesn’t love food?). The Army Games include participants from all around the world such as Soviet Union, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Algeria, and Qatar. And if you’re looking for the USA on that list, don’t bother.

This year’s Army Games started with a bang (not literally, although that’s part of the games) with a ballerina performing ballet on top of a military tank (Only in Russia) On Sunday, a pair of ballerinas and male dancers in a Belarusian Army tank crewman’s uniform performed a dance routine on top of a piece of plywood which was placed over the tank’s engine compartment to provide a better footing for the dancers. The ballerinas also wore earmuffs to block out the loud noise coming from the nearby tanks who seemed to be performing a tank ballet of sorts. Watch the video to witness this unique and spectacular performance yourself.
It seems like last year’s synchronized tank driving routine by four T-80U wasn’t peculiar enough so the organizers decided to crack it up a notch and bring real ballerinas to perform on the tanks. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing that has happened in Russia anyway! The Army Games will continue till 4th September so if you want to catch up on the action, you still have time.