In this week’s startling news, a bizarre video recently published on Twitter has been doing the rounds on the internet. The one-and-a-half-minute video has rocked the citizens by shock and disbelief in which a robotic dog is seen making efforts to do shooting with a gun mounted on his upper body. The video has gathered a whopping seven million views on Twitter, with a lot of engagement from the users in the form of comments, as they are really fascinated by this stuff. However, the rifle used for shooting is a PP-19 Vityaz as per the sources.
According to the Vicesleuthed out, “The robodog in question is a cheap model built by UnitreeYusu and the weapon is most likely a PP-19 Vityaz.” On the other hand, this robotic dog is silver and a four-legged robot that is seen continuously moving here and there in the video on a bricked floor. It tries to come exactly in front of the shooting range, aka ammo, to shoot in a precise location and then fire through the gun several times.

However, due to the gun’s recoil, the robot becomes imbalanced at times but is clearly seen doing its job well. According to Vice reports, the robot and the weapon are of Russian origin and have been designed by a Russian businessman. The businessman also excels at setting up hoverbikes and is professional and tech-savvy. He has made this robotic dog and equipped it with a gun for just a fun activity, as he really has an inclination towards making such types of technical things and paying visits to the shooting range as well.

On that count, many people misunderstood this activity as he might have some evil plans to build this type of robot, equip it with a gun, and then train it at a shooting range, but that’s really not the case. He did this activity just for fun. On the other hand, a lot of military personnel design such types of robots for their military contracts that are very professionally designed without any loopholes. In short, this robotic dog is giving both a wave of excitement and fear to the public.