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Video Glitch Reveals That Famous Chinese Teenage Vlogger Is Actually A 58 Year Old Woman Using Filters

Your Highness Qiao Biluo is a glamorous young Chinese streamer that has managed to infuriate hundreds of thousands of fan after a glitch revealed her truth. The technical glitch revealed to the fans that she is actually a 58-year-old woman who is making use of a filter for making herself appear young.

Your Highness Qiao Biluo is a famous streamer on Chinese platform Douyu, but it turns out that the cute goddess has been deceiving her fans using AI-powered technology. The beautiful vlogger was a 58-year-old woman who was using the video filters that were available on the platform for deceiving people into giving her donations. The use of beauty filters is actually not that uncommon among the vloggers in China.

However, for some reason; no one was expecting that Your Highness Qiao Biluo would look so different in actual. The fans received the shock of their lives when the filter stopped working during a joint stream with a fellow video influence, Qingzi. Most of the fans did know that she was using a filter and continuously requested her to show her true face, but she always refused and said that she would only show her true face if she received enough donations.

She told her fans, ‘I can’t show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan ($11,950). After all, I’m a good-looking host.’ During the video stream, the filter malfunctioned, and it was revealed that she was a middle-aged and a bit overweight woman. Her Highness only noticed the blunder when she saw that many of her VIP access room members were leaving and others canceled their donations while leaving the stream. Qiao went offline quickly after realizing what had happened.

News of the glitch has gone viral on the Chinese social media. Many have commented that her fans shouldn’t be complaining about being deceived since a lot of them already knew that she was relying on a filter to hide her identity. Your Highness Qiao Biluo ceased streaming after the glitch. However, she has become even more popular after the scandal, and her currently inactive Douyo account has more than 650,000 followers as opposed to 100,000 viewers before the glitch happened. According to reports, she is preparing for a comeback and will be launching a music video soon enough.

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