US Navy SEALs Have A New Mini Submarine With Stealth Capability

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Military submersibles have gone advanced in recent years with many unconventional concepts being carried out. The most important trend shifter is the increased use of mini-subs instead of the previous monstrous versions. Don’t get me wrong, the use of nuclear submarines as a second strike capability is as important for nuclear-armed nations as ever. But, the increased nature of covert operations and anti-terror was has heralded new frontiers in the maritime warfare. This new stealth sub in use by US Navy SEALs’ special troops is an example. It can carry six personnel and deploy them underwater for a stealthy penetration.

It has been named the Mark 8 SEAL delivery vehicle (SDV) but the newer version can carry operative  too. They will be able to sit comfortably inside the submarine and even navigate it across the open sea. Then, the cargo door is opened, and it floods the entire chamber. The entire ops team then swims towards their mission in scuba diving gear. After they are done with it, the craft can autonomously and remotely pick them from their extraction points. It can go hundreds of miles without detection and could just be the ultimate special ops thing ever created.

Proteus Mini stealth

It is slated to be used in a variety of tasks by the military. It can aid in bigger vessels payload delivery and integration, reconnaissance, inspecting general happenings around strategic areas and protecting sub-sea pipelines and even take care of a hostage situation. The submarine has cutting edge communication systems like acoustic, through-water and even an Iridium satellite communications antennae. It has a fully automated GPS that allows the sub to update its coordinates without any need of resurfacing as it can lead to detection.

Look at these graphic illustrations of this particular weapon at disposal of US special warfare command:

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Costly surface ships might be replaced with this cheaper, stealthier alternative in the coming years. It could be converted into an amphibious one too.


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