Logarithms are one of the toughest concepts that the students have to master in their elementary Math class. Usually, the concept is not taught very well which leaves the school children wanting for more in this area.
Is there any Relation between Logarithms, Roots, and Exponents?
When we were taught logarithms in class, I wondered why would anyone want to write an expression in a notation that was utterly baffling! As it happens, logarithms come in handy in quite a few difficult situations.

The actual reason why students fail to master the concept of logarithms is that they are not taught the logarithmic theory in relation to the exponents and roots. Each of these mathematical concepts is taught as a separate entity that leaves the students wondering about their application and interrelation.
Thankfully, the YouTuber 3Blue1Brown explained the logarithms alongside roots and exponents in a video, clarifying the three concepts in one go. You can watch the explanatory video below:
Do you like how he related exponents and roots to logarithms? Let us know in comments! If you enjoyed learning logarithms in a new way, change the way you think about addition by watching this video: