Meet architect Clive Wilkinson, who is tired of how people have to navigate hellish rush hour commutes to get to work. Collaboration between the Flaunt Magazine and his architecture firm has resulted in the creation of an all-rooftop amazing setup of communal workspaces that has been named ‘The Endless Workspace’.
The layout has been proposed for a cityscape that is a hybrid of Silicon Valley and London. The Endless Workspace allows people to use elevators to go from their bedrooms right up to the communal rooftop office. Even though these designs are satirical, however, we would certainly like to see them executed.
Wilkinson was given the task of coming up with an urban environment that was inspired by Silicon Valley and London; two places where the commutes are over-populated.

He decided to take the project to the London rooftops where it would be out of everyone’s way.
It makes sense, considering that the communal workspaces are turning into a prominent fixture in many cities around the world.
The rooftop workspaces feature circular green spaces that look to the city below along with courtyards that get sufficient sunlight.

The architecture firm claims that the elevator system takes care of the long commutes that people have to go through to get to their workplaces without isolating people in their homes. Instead, it allows them to work with folks in their neighborhood.
The concept allows people to collaborate with others from different fields thus facilitating cross-pollination.
The underground rail systems will run smoothly devoid of the rush hours of commuters every evening and morning.
Wilkinson’s company says that usually cities are built incrementally over time and therefore have very weak flow.
The project imparts a sense of order without tearing up the original parks and roads of the metropolitan.