Antonio Romero Monteiro, 45, from Texas, USA, has broken the Guinness World record for the largest collection of video games which is worth a staggering $2.1 million (£1.69 million).
He began collecting them in 1987 when he was just 10 years old. So far, he has collected 24,268 video games.
Mr Monteiro now holds the record for the largest collection of Xbox items, the largest collection of Sega items, the largest collection of Nintendo items, the largest collection of PlayStation items, and the largest collection of video games overall.
Since buying his first Sega Genesis game more than 30 years ago, his burgeoning collection has expanded to fill a whole room, meticulously organized by system and then alphabetically.
He said: ‘Originally my collection focused on purchasing and repurchasing some of the games I played in my youth.

‘I see video games as a form of art, where creativity and storytelling transcend to limitless possibilities.
‘Each generation of video games systems gives further potential to realize creativity and share boundless stories, challenges, and experiences.
‘Some of my most precious memories include video games and their experiences with family and friends.’
The gamer’s paradise holds everything from the very first Nintendo gaming consoles to the most recent videogame releases.
Even Mr Monteiro has not had a chance to play all of them.
His collection began with his love of playing video games but collecting the games and accessories soon took over as his main hobby.
Mr Monteiro’s favorite game is Super Nintendo name, Super Castlevania IV.
He added: ‘I have some very fond childhood memories of playing Castlevania.’
He uses an app that saves each game in his possession and uses a custom database to compare the games he owns and the game he’s still missing to complete his collection.
Mr Monteiro explained: ‘It can be pretty challenging to find retro games and systems in local video stores, especially as you get to the last 15 percent of a collection.’
He said: ‘I am currently working on completing my Nintendo DS collection and am down to the last 98 games out of over 1,500 games in this collection.
‘There are two games in this collection that have been pretty hard to acquire at an affordable price, but persistence and patience are a must for any collector.’
To keep the older games in good shape for people to play, Mr Monteiro has used preservation methods to stop years of video game history from eroding.
He added: ‘Climate control is a must for the preservation of games.’
Mr Monteiro said: ‘My estimate is that I am about 1,700 games away from achieving this goal. I am in no rush to achieve this goal, however, and plan to enjoy the journey.’
For those hoping to also break a world record one day, Mr Monteiro has some simple advice: ‘As cliché as it may sound, follow your dreams.
‘If you set goals and slowly work towards them, you will be surprised at where you will find yourself with time.’
He said he has a ‘very patient, loving wife’ who puts up with his collecting antics.