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This Store Uses AI To Let Dogs Shop For Their Favourite Toys

Petz is a Brazilian pet shop that achieved an incredible feat! The pet shop made use of facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence for coming up with a platform, Pet-Commerce, that enables the dogs to purchase their favorite products by carrying out an analysis of their facial expressions.

Pet-Commerce Uses AI For Letting Dogs Shop For Toys

Many dog owners would agree that nothing sucks more than bringing a new toy for their favorite pet only to find out that the pet doesn’t like it. That may seem like a thing of the past thanks to the Pet-Commerce, an online pet store that has been developed by Petz brand. Pet-Commerce enables dogs to choose their favorite products.

Pet-Commerce Uses AI For Letting Dogs Shop For Toys

You will simply have to hold a camera to the dog’s face and make sure that the camera is connected to the Internet. The AI-powered Pet-Commerce will then analyze the facial expressions of your dog while you scroll through the various products that are listed on the website. Once the AI detects excitement, it adds the product to your shopping cart, and you can then finalize the transaction once you are done scrolling. 

Pet-Commerce Uses AI For Letting Dogs Shop For Toys

The Brazilian branch of the famous advertising agency Ogilvy paired up with the renowned professional dog trainer, Leonardo Ogata, who imparted invaluable insights into the facial expressions of different dog breeds and what they implied. The AI-powered online platform was provided with thousands of pictures of dogs, thus enabling it to determine even the smallest of details when working.

Pet-Commerce Uses AI For Letting Dogs Shop For Toys

Ogata said, ‘We picked through dozens of breeds and even dogs of the undefined breed. The direct gaze into the camera, the ears pointing towards the camera and the carefree, unsuspecting attitude of not shying away from the device are all signs that the dog enjoyed the play and the product.’ Ogata further added while talking about using Pet-Commerce, ‘The dog has to be relaxed, playful — no need to pick them up or hold their head, which can even irritate them; all you have to do is hold the camera right over their face so that it can pick up the responses in the best way.’

Pet-Commerce is only designed to cater to dogs; however, Sergio Zimerman, the CEO of Petz, said that an option for cats might also find its way to reality!

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