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This New Spacecraft Tech Is 8 Times More Effective And Cuts AC Energy Costs By 50%

AC Energy Costs Cut By 50% With Spacecraft Tech That’s 8 Times More Effective

Helix Mirca is a groundbreaking innovation. It is 6 – 8 times lighter than other off-the-shelf dehumidification systems. Also, this particular air conditioner is way more efficient in comparison to any other in the market right now. It is also common knowledge that global temperatures are on the rise and so is the energy consumption owing to the usage of ACs. The Helix Mirca comes with a technology that reduces energy consumption by almost 50%.

This technology was developed by the CEO of Helix Earth Technologies, Rawand Rasheed, whilst he was at NASA. It was originally made to filter air on a spacecraft.

The Helix Mirca dehumidifies the air supply. This as a result substantially lowers the energy utilized by the unit. Rasheed claims the Helix Micra system is six to eight times more efficient than other commercially available dehumidification systems. It is also much smaller than available systems. The filters are easy to manufacture using 3D printing, which can be done using recycled materials.

The best part about the Helix Mirca is that it can be utilized over any existing unit. It just needs one technician who would effortlessly connect the Mirca to any existing AC rooftop unit (RTU) or dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS), said the company. The company claims that the unit is serviceable in minutes on the same schedule as your AC maintenance.

The HVAC Retrofit is the main innovation behind the Mirca. It brings unmatched efficiency and energy savings to existing air conditioning units. The device is a huge relief for those paying utilities on commercial properties and buying equipment.

Adding Helix products will be a good choice for both retrofits and replacement situations.

The price of the device is not yet clear but the company has stated that the device will pay its price within 3 years of installation. The unit’s lifespan is being coined at 15 to 20 years. The only downside if you may see it as one is the fact that it needs to be customized for different units.

The company intends to target the Texas market before venturing onto the US and international markets. The Helix Mirca has no moving parts and is capable of capturing and eliminating micrometer-sized droplets of water sprayed on spacecraft in an attempt to battle catastrophic fires. With this procedure, the unit optimally dehumidifies the air supplied to the AC rooftop unit.

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