Netflix is redefining the entertainment industry by bringing new and unique concepts to the sector. It has made entertainment more inclusive, informed, accessible, and up to date. Almost every month, a new series, movie, or reality tv show is featured and launched on-air through Netflix. This brings a dynamic touch to the industry and makes it more thrilling.

Queer Eye has been one of the favorite shows of the audience ever since it was aired. Its success was so massive that the same producers have brought forward a new concept of a reality tv show. Basically, the show will feature people who have forgotten the passcodes they had for their cryptocurrency wallets. We all know how cryptocurrency is the hype these days and is probably the most sought-after investment opportunity for people all around the world. They have combined this interest with the plight of having the currency but not being able to access it.

The producers are still not entirely sure about the direction in which the show will steer. They speculate that experts on the topic will be brought to the show who will give advice to these people to have access to their wallets. In the end, people will either regain access or just lose all their investment.
A few people will still have attempts to retry and guess their passwords while the others will use different cheats and hacks. All this frenzy will create hype and keep the audience hooked to their tv screens until the show ends. They will also create a buzz around who will get access and the ways the experts will suggest. All of these spoilers have already engaged the relevant audience and now people are eagerly waiting for the show to get on the air. The dates of filming and release are yet to be intimated.