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This New Gadget Adds Tank Like Tracks To Your Car

Track N Go 3

Track N Go 2Winters do more than just drop the temperature in your area; they tend to reduce efficiency of humans and machines as well. Of all the things whose efficiency gets reduced, one thing in particular suffers the most when it comes to snowfall and those are our vehicles. You will find many people who are proud of their 4×4 and boast about its tires which are lugged to provide great performance even in snow. However, this new gadget is something which will make those lugged tires look like a joke. Say hello to AD Boivin Inc’s Track n Go! This gadget will allow you to ‘add’ tracks to your wheels and our dear readers, believe us, conventional tires don’t compare to the performance that can be generated using these tracks.

Track N Go 5The Track N Go kit comes with four tracks and a pair of loading ramps. A conventional 4×4 can be modified using this kit within a time span of fifteen minutes. How to do it? Simple enough; place the tracks on ground with the ramps leading to them and drive up on them and finally, clamp them on. That is all that there is to it. The rubber rollers which have been integrated into the gadget will clamp to the tire from both sides and the whole assembly is held in place securely.

Track N Go 4Now that you are done with assembling, next question is how this gadget works when you drive your 4×4.  Your tires will rest onto geared rollers with a grip texture that is found within the track. When the wheels revolve, they turn the rollers which in turn, rotate the belt at 1:1. The front tracks are capable of pivoting with the wheels when you are turning. The special deflector plate is shaped like ski plates and will ensure that the track stays above on the snow rather than digging into the snow.

The tracks can also be kept in place if you are driving on roads at a speed up to 37 mph. One complete assembly of Track N Go will cost you $25,000 and if you are living in an area where snow is a nuisance, then we suggest you do invest in this particular gadget.

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