What’s more exciting than a jet ski with a built-in steering wheel and a bucket seat? Yes, this Spark Evo Jet is an incredible scientific feat of its own. It comes with some impressive specifications and is more enjoyable than the traditional jet skies. However, it is worth noting that the initial model of this fascinating watercraft is known as the “Sea-Doo Spark,” which is powered by a Rotax 900 ACE Engine and is perfect for beginners. Hence, if you want a thrilling experience with some amazing modifications, then you can upgrade this watercraft by integrating a conversion kit devised by “American Jet Concept” and then it becomes your prodigious “Spark Evo Jet”.

As a matter of fact, the kit comes with a bucket seat instead of a traditional jet ski seat and a steering wheel with throttle along with electronic reverse triggers. It is interesting to note that you can buy the Spark Evo Jet directly with built-in alterations or you can just buy the kit and then install it in your traditional watercraft and you are good to go. The installation process can be easily performed by a DIYer.
The whole kit comprises “a bucket seat and bracket, a full top deck, a steering wheel with its cable, triggers, a footrest, an 11-gallon aluminum gas tank, roll cage, fasteners, and all other hardware”. The most interesting thing to note is that once you install the kit, you can still go back to the initial model and may reverse the procedure. So, it is completely a reversible process without any permanent fittings. Furthermore, the maximum speed that your Evo Jet can attain is around 42 mph if your watercraft’s engine is 60 horsepower. However, with the 90-horsepower engine, the Evo Jet can achieve a top speed of up to 48 mph.

It doesn’t end here. The optional kit of the Spark Evo Jet can boost the power of your engine by up to 120 horsepower, and in this case, the top speed floats around somewhere near 53 mph. Talking about the comfortability of the Evo jet, its bucket seat is too low as compared to the initial model, which further lowers the h-point and the center of gravity. Thus, it will give a more natural performance efficiency to the rider along with the agile steering wheels.
Coupled with this, the Evo jet falls within the price range of $8490 in case you do the conversion yourself, but if you focus on buying the newly built spark Evo jet with all the newly built systems embedded in it, then you would have to pay a price of $14,900 for a 60-horsepower engine, $15,990 for a 90-horsepower engine, and $17,990 for a 120-horsepower engine. Watch the video below to delve into more insights into this incredibly astonishing watercraft.