Last October, there was news saying a sound is detected on Mars. This was made possible with NASA’s InSight ears. Now, Jupiter’s moon can also listen.
Juno Principal Investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio has released a 50-second audio track generated from NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter, according to More specifically, the sounds were recorded on the ship’s close flyby of the Jovian moon Ganymede on June 7, 2021.
“This soundtrack is just wild enough to make you feel as if you were riding along as Juno sails past Ganymede for the first time in more than two decades,” Bolton told “If you listen closely, you can hear the abrupt change to higher frequencies around the midpoint of the recording, which represents entry into a different region in Ganymede’s magnetosphere.”
Juno says that he used a Waves instrument, which tunes in to electric and magnetic radio waves originating from Jupiter’s magnetosphere. Researchers collected that data and then shifted its frequency to transform it into an audible audio track.

The final output is a soundtrack that sounds like wind blowing along with some robot-like beeps. This does not indicate the presence of life near the planet’s moon. However, there have been discussions in the past that suggest that life may be present in the area.
Last July, the researcher studied the data collected from the planets in our solar system. they discovered that the clouds of Jupiter had the required water activity to, in theory, support life. Analyzing data collected by the Galileo mission at altitudes between 26 and 42 miles (42 and 68 kilometers) above the gas giant’s surface, the researchers found that a layer of the planet’s clouds does meet the water requirements for life.