Vision Marine Technologies, a manufacturer of electric recreational marine propulsion for OEMs has surpassed the 100 mph (160 kph) speed barrier on an electric watercraft and set a new world record by reaching a speed of 109mph, the company announced.
This was made possible by a unified effort from players from all across the globe. To set new standards, Vision Marine worked with Hellkat Powerboats, and created the V32, a 32-inch (9.75 meters) catamaran hull made to hold the required battery banks to power a pair of Vision Marine’s signature E-MotionTM electric outboards.
Vision Marine went with a futuristic, extremely exotic, and aerodynamically optimized racing shell to set its record.

The internal engineering team at Vision Marine and Shaun Torrente of Shaun Torrente Racing (“STR”), were also in charge of rigging, putting up, and testing the V32 in Florida for several months. The team created the V32 from scratch.
The monitoring systems on board were enhanced by Nextfour Solutions, while the outdrives were designed by Pat Weissman of Weissman Marine.
On August 28, 2022, over 100,000 spectators watched Shaun Torrente, a five-time UIM champion and current F1 H20 World champion, sail the V32 at the most important performance boat competition in the United States at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. On Jaguar’s lightweight Vector V20E, he set a new world record speed of 109 MPH, breaking the previous mark of 88.6 mph (144 kph).
Vision Marine CEO and co-founder Alex Mongeon said, “I am grateful for this accomplishment. I feel blessed to have worked with world-class personnel such as Shaun Torrente, Pat Weissman, and Dave Dewald.” He continued, “This 109 MPH (175 kph) record is groundbreaking, to say the least, and will surely put Vision Marine and its E-Motion™ technology in the boating world hall of fame. We are here today to instill a new legacy by proving once again that a transition to electric power in the marine industry is at arm’s reach. We are this much closer to eliminating the colossal carbon footprint our planet is experiencing due to continued usage of ICE engines.”

STR’s Shaun Torrente said, “It has been an amazing experience to push the boundaries of what people thought was impossible.”
Vision is increasing the manufacturing of its outboard electric motors and batteries so they can be used in more boats, more are expected to follow this world record.