Meetaverse, from Allseated, is a browser-based 3D meeting platform. It offers spaces for conferences, companies, and meetings. They have a catalog of hundreds of venues that they’ve 3D scanned and rendered and 10,000 3D objects to bring to the 3D environment.
They include avatars, activations like articles you can dive into and read, videos you can watch, and details about the brand. Meetaverse also fills your space with details about you.
The top half of each avatar has a live video feed for each meeting participant.

Unlike the metaverse, Meetaverse is designed for browsers and not VR headsets. It can work on any browser but right now the best results are seen on chrome.
The conference hall had an entry space, a welcome section, breakout rooms with semi-translucent glass walls, and a large presentation space.
The arrow keys on the laptop are the best option for moving around.
Even though you can walk through solid objects (again, another conscious design decision), there’s no way of quickly teleporting from one spot in the Meetaverse to another.

“It is more on the line of experiential than other platforms you mention. Adding more experiential elements facilitates more of the oasis away from those types of atmospheres [ike static Zoom and Google Meet],” said Meetaverse’s Nick Borelli.
Meetaverse can build an environment in three-to-four weeks and will charge $15 per head (with a minimum of 500 users). The per-seat price reduces if you sign up for more than a year.