Are you smarter than a First Grader? Apparently not!
Another day, another elementary grade problem making us scratch our heads bald. Perhaps, all those lead-filled fumes are finally showing their effects, or maybe the little tykes are getting a little too smart for us!
Whatever the case may be, this latest mind teaser has the entire internet in a tangle, as the Holderness family posted this problem from their first-grade kid’s homework exercise, which includes six more pages of such activities.
Surely it is a bit too much to ask from a first grader, as seen from people’s comments:
But of course, no question is too hard, ever! And many people came up with the answer pretty soon,
“ The answer is J=14. It is a complex math question that requires you to substitute the letters with numbers. You take the value of the S, B, and G and add them to get 40. Then you subtract the values of B and P from 40. That leaves a difference of 14, which is letter J. It all has to do with getting children to think in complex ways.” -User Jamie Nantz
Did you manage to crack the code? Share your answers in the comments’ section below!