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This Is What Happens When You Put 1500 Ping Pong Balls In A Can With Liquid Nitrogen

Ping Pong Balls And Liquid Nitrogen

People keep trying out new and new science experiments to answer the famous question; what happens when. The latest installment in this never-ending series is submerging a ping-pong ball in liquid nitrogen. Check out the video below to see what happens.

Ball in liquid nitrogen (????? ? ?????? ?????)

As you can see, the ball starts to spin up to thousands of revolutions per minute. Why? Check out the video below to find out why!

#petersplimln  Liquid Nitrogen and the spinning ping pong ball

That’s not all folks. Check out what happens when you place fifteen hundred ping-pong balls in liquid nitrogen! The results are quite fascinating to watch.

Science Experiment: Liquid Nitrogen and 1500 Ping Pong Balls, EXPLOSION!

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