Equipped with twin 450HP engines, this Iguana will reach speeds that other amphibious boats have never reached. Inspired by the IG Pro Interceptor RIB, a model of Iguana Pro, this boat is fully designed for speed. It is an all-terrain and rugged Iguana made for performance.
French Company Iguana is preparing to launch the world’s fastest amphibious boat after its military and emergency offerings, designed to outperform every other amphibian out there with a peak output of 900 horse-power.

The Iguana Pro is not gentle at all with a six-seat military-focused RIB, and it speeds up to 55 knots (63.3 mph, 101.9 km/h). Iguana is being designed to cater the needs of the civilian market with performance as its core feature. It is two seated with twin 450 house power outboards. It offers a reinforced tube and hull, as well as a reinforced mobility system. Its raptor painting and all-black military look assert its identity. The driver’s and passenger’s seats are Ullman seats designed to protect from injury linked to high speeds, and it takes care of the high forces during impact.

However, it has the same feature as other Iguana amphibians, i.e., it is slow on land. It bowls on a pair of Kevlar-reinforced rubber tracks, linked to the hull via strong, hydraulically retractable struts. When the boat is in water, the tracks pull up and largely out of the way, adding slight resistance to the boat’s route through the water.
The tracks provide an exceptional and steady platform that can tilt as much as 40 degrees from soft sand to mud and mossy rocks without losing its stability. The Iguana Pro, for instance, will not stumble even with 11 individuals standing right at the front of it, no matter how weird it looks.

Certainly, this boat is not built for highway purposes. Then what exactly is its purpose? Well, you’d be surprised if you own one. It can be parked in a garage away from unwanted weather conditions, which means no moorage. When the conditions are favorable, it can be driven back into the water and can be started without towing it with another vehicle. In minutes, the boat can be in the water, and it would be safe to say that these exceptionally fast-moving boats are one of their own kind.
This new boat will be “the fastest amphibious boat in the world,” Iguana says, and they will share the details as the product moves further. A prototype WaterCar Panther that managed 52 knots (60 mph/96 km/h) on the water back in 2010 is currently the record-breaking monster out there. The Production Panther, however, can only do 39 knots (45 mph/72 kph). Either way, nothing compares to the standard Iguana Pro until they hit dry land, where the WaterCar can do a healthy 80 mph (129 km/h).
Check out a video of the Iguana Pro below.