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This Dockside Crane Has Been Turned Into A Luxury Hotel In Amsterdam

Faralda NDSM Crane Hotel, Neveritaweg, Amsterdam, The Netherland

Neveritaweg Faralda NDSM Crane Hotel

We have seen ships and submarines converted into hotels, abandoned castles and manors converted into restaurants and many other old places converted into cool commercial ventures. The sole purpose is to stand out from the crowd as much as possible to give the unique experience to the customer. This has prompted several insanely awesome ideas as well; this crane-converted hotel is one of these. Faralda Crane Hotel used an old crane to make rooms for guests 50 meters off the ground. The view there must be fantastic. Well, not only that, but it is also offering great bungee jumping experience from the top of the crane that is an astonishing hundred meters from the ground!

Crane hotel faralda

The crane was vintage 1951 250 tonnes, and it was the first of its kind installed in the area. Since shipping and lifting technology has progressed much further, the crane was eventually decommissioned and left to rust. But some enthusiastic engineers and architects had this idea of converting it into a hotel and got to work. They started in 2011 and after four years of hard work, they came up with this ultimate soul-lifting experience.

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3.15 million dollars is no small amount either and let’s see what can be provided in this ample budget. We mentioned the bungee jumping before, but it is something that constantly comes into my mind. In addition to this incredible ride, the hotel offers three luxury rooms to customers that have breathtaking views of the beautiful dock and water nearby. The interior decoration is from one of the best architects from Netherlands, and it will amaze you how much thinking he did to blend the building with the surroundings. The romantic spa pool at the top of the crane gives an ultimate view of Amsterdam.

All the luxury and spending means that the stay in this hotel is expensive with a one-night stay starting from 400 Euros. But, the good news is that the bungee jumping on top is not exclusive to the guests, and you can experience the ninety-meter jump in 85 Euros. So, do we have a Dare?

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