Thailand’s International Sustainable Developmental Studies Institute (ISDSI) does not just teach sustainability to students-it demonstrates it practically.

Its amazing new campus was designed to be constructed entirely out of shipping containers sourced from Bangkok’s ports as there were too many of them available.
Seventeen containers were used for the main building, and nothing out of that went to waste! Even the small pieces and cut-offs were utilized to make doors, windows, and walls.

Making the campus from bamboo and straw was also considered but the idea was later given up in favor of using shipping containers. The containers were greatly modified after being selected carefully. Containers were cut and joined together for larger spaces. For smaller areas, like the classrooms, one container was used to make one whole classroom.

The use of shipping containers has given the campus a unique look. While some of the containers used in construction have been painted white, some have been left as is giving the visitor a real taste of what an institute teaching sustainable development should look like.

Photo: ISDI
The campus is laid over three floors and has six classrooms, a common area, a conference room, a kitchen, toilets, a library, and a seminar room. Since shipping containers tend to get hot/cold very quickly, that posed a problem. To make the temperatures inside the campus rooms comfortable, SDSI added insulation and refurbished some used air-conditioning.

Photo: ISDI
Pretty cool, isn’t it?