Mistraws are edible rice straws that have been created by a Malaysian company known as Mistraws Manufacturing Sdn Bhd. Mistraws are eco-friendly straws that have been made out of 100% natural ingredients – organic rice and tapioca (without organic certification).

The company makes use of environmentally friendly manufacturing techniques for making sure that CO2 remains low during production. Mistraws are available in three sizes.

The company states on its website, ‘Here at Mistraws, we understand that the ban on the use of plastic straws would cause inconvenience to society as they have become a daily necessity for many of us. Hence, we are here to provide an environmentally friendly product to a diverse base of markets.’

You can use them as a regular straw or cook them up and then eat them. These straws are vegan, halal, and can last for up to two years on the shelf, or for about three to six hours in a drink. The best part? The straws have no taste implying that they will not change the flavor of your drink in any kind of way. As per Mistraws, the best thing about the Mistraws is that they are cost-effective. The company has not specified any price of these straws on its website.

The company says, ‘metal straws you have to lug around with you everywhere, paper straws can taste funny and get soggy, but Mistraws have none of these problems. They are fully biodegradable – decomposing within 100 days (while plastic takes up to 500 years). They stay in cold drinks for 4 to 6 hours, and in warm beverages for up to 3 hours, without losing their shape and strength. Together, we can make a difference. Even the slightest change, when multiplied by billions can make a huge impact. So why not start by changing our straw habit? Switch over to eco-friendly and economic edible rice straws! It’s time for a greener generation, and ideas like this are where it’s at.’