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These Stairs By The Sea In Croatia Produce Hauntingly Beautiful Music With Water

Back in 2005, this organ, that is 230 ft long, was designed by a Croatian architect and it is capable of transforming the rhythm of waves into actual music. Sweet Music In Croatia By The Coast Will Leave You Amazed

Oh and don’t think that we mean chaotic tunes by music. We mean actual, serene and food of the soul music.

Not many of us have heard or seen something like this at all. Sweet Music In Croatia By The Coast Will Leave You Amazed 4

Imagine how it must feel when you’re treading down along the Adriatic Sea and the music happens. Sweet Music In Croatia By The Coast Will Leave You Amazed 2

The steps have channels that have been carved carefully to connect to 25 organ pipes that have been tuned to varying and meticulously arranged musical chords.

When the waves crash against the steps, air is pushed through the pipes and this results in the musical arrangement coming into play.

The person standing on top doesn’t know what’s going on under the surface, however, the music is there. It is the music of the sea in that exact moment and for it to be same again on any other day is next to impossible. So it is a unique experience every time you go there.

This is how it sounded on a particular time on one particular day.

Sea Organ, Zadar, Croatia by srb445

Quite amazing, right?

It is known as Sea Organ or the Morske Orgulje and it brings one of world’s oldest cities back to life.

Zadar is a 3,000-year old city located on the coast of Croatia. It was completely destroyed back in World War II and after rebuilding using lots of plain concrete structures, Nikola Baš, award-winning architect, was brought in to impart some life back to the city.

This is the idea that he came up with!

He was probably inspired by the hydraulis – a Greek instrument that used water for pushing air through pipes or perhaps the Wave Organ in San Francisco.
However, the complicated design of the Sea Organ really sets it apart from everything else.

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