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These New Robot By Sanctuary AI Can Learn Tasks In Just 24 Hours

Sanctuary AI, based in Canada, has recently unveiled the latest iteration of its Phoenix humanoid robot, marking the 7th generation of this groundbreaking technology. This new model boasts significant improvements over its predecessors, with enhancements in both hardware and AI software, particularly in its AI control system called Carbon. The goal is to make the robot even more human-like in behavior and capabilities.

In a remarkably brief period since the unveiling of the 6th-generation bot, and an even shorter span since the debut of the 5th-generation Phoenix in January 2023, Sanctuary AI has achieved notable strides with its 7th generation. The company asserts that this newest iteration represents their most sophisticated model to date, having undergone rigorous training on top-tier data to emulate human behavior with unparalleled fidelity.

The improvements in the new Phoenix are evident in its speed, intelligence, and dexterity. It boasts increased uptime, allowing for more training and data capture, and features significant hardware upgrades that enhance the flexibility of its limbs. Miniaturized hydraulics have reduced weight, power consumption, and complexity. Moreover, Generation 7 exhibits improved visual acuity and tactile sensing, enabling rapid learning of new tasks in as little as 24 hours.

Sanctuary AI has released footage demonstrating the enhanced dexterity of the Phoenix 7 during a colored object-sorting exercise, showcasing its ability to learn and replicate tasks independently after being trained via teleoperation by a human trainer.

This latest model represents a significant leap forward in robotics technology, offering potential applications in assisting human workers with laborious or repetitive tasks. By freeing up human staff to focus on more complex responsibilities, these robots could revolutionize various industries.

Geordie Rose, CEO and Co-Founder of Sanctuary AI, expresses excitement about the progress made in just 11 months, believing that Generation 7 is the most analogous to a human being among available options. He sees it not only as a cornerstone in AI robotics but also as a crucial step toward artificial general intelligence.

The advancements in Phoenix robots are expected to accelerate the development of foundational AI models and customer deployments, facilitating the path to broader adoption and integration of AI technologies in various sectors.

“It’s incredible to see the progress that has been made in just 11 months,” said Geordie Rose, CEO and Co-Founder of Sanctuary AI.

“With Generation 7, we have a system that we believe is the most closely analogous to a person of any available,” he added.

“We see this as not only the cornerstone of general-purpose AI robotics but a critical step on the path to artificial general intelligence, and we’re thrilled to be leading the charge on it,” Rose added.

“This all adds up to being able to capture increasing quantities of higher-quality, higher-fidelity human behavioral data, which in turn will expedite the development of foundational AI models and customer deployments,” he concluded.

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