Are you aware that graphene-based wearables are becoming the norm? In fact, The Graphene Flagship has been working in collaboration with the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and creating some really amazing and astounding graphene-based wearables. The latest devices are capable of tackling everything ranging from health monitoring to UV radiation.

Among many ICFO’s wearables is the UV patch. It is comprised of a transparent disposable patch that enables the user to monitor the levels of exposure to UV. The patch can connect to a mobile and signals the user when the levels of exposure go above the safe limit.
These type of patches can do more than just measure UV exposure. The ICFO has also developed another wearable that is called the fitness band. This fitness band can measure ‘heart rate, hydration, oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and temperature.’ This will enable the users to adapt their exercise routines and water intake based on the feedback from the graphene-based patch thus helping them to maintain their optimum physical fitness levels.
The device can also be used for various other applications. For instance, you can use it at high altitudes for monitoring the oxygen levels. The collaboration between the two institutes has also resulted in the creation of ‘the world’s smallest single pixel spectrometer and a graphene-enabled hyperspectral image sensor.’ Since these are graphene-based patches, they have broadband capabilities without the need for conventional bulky and expensive photodetection systems.

Frank Koppens, group leader at Graphene Flagship partner ICFO, and Chair of the Graphene Flagship MWC Committee said, ‘Built into a smartphone camera, the graphene-based camera sensor allows phones to see more than what’s visible to the human eye. Made up of hundreds of thousands of photodetectors, this incredibly small sensor is highly sensitive to UV and infrared light.’
Frank further said, ‘This technology would allow users in the supermarket to hold the camera to fruit and infer which is the freshest piece. Or, in a more extreme example, the camera could be used for driving in dangerously dense fog by providing augmented outlines of surrounding vehicles on the windscreen.’
What do you think of these graphene-based patches? Do let us know!