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The Ultimate Guide To Pack A Suitcase Like Engineers

packing up suitcase

Modern day professions require a lot of local and overseas traveling. According to a recent research, a professional on average, spends around 75 days of the year traveling around for work purposes. Add leisure traveling to the equation and the number gets bigger. Effectively packing for each trip can save you a lot of hassle and time. Therefore, it is very important to master the art of packing. Today, we have created this packing guide that will teach you how to effectively prepare for each trip and travel like a Pro.
Have any additional tips to give that you learnt after years of traveling? Let us know in the comments section

Related: How to Suit up Like Barney Stinson – An Engineers’ Guide

Use Binder Clip to Safely Store Your Razor

Make Liquid Free Toothpaste Dots and Never Worry About Airport Security

Plan Outfit Combinations Before You Pack

Pack an Extra Pot Holder to Store Hot Flat Iron

Store Shoes In Shower Caps to Avoid Shoe Dirt Stains

Store Your Rings and Expensive Jewellery In Medicine Boxes

Keep Zip Bags To Store Dirty Clothes During Trip

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