In a groundbreaking revelation, China’s Zhurong rover has delved beneath the Martian surface, unveiling mysterious polygon structures buried 35 feet below in the Red Planet’s soil. Shedding light on Mars’ enigmatic past, a recent study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) uses data from Zhurong’s advanced ground-penetrating radar capabilities.
Utilizing state-of-the-art ground-penetrating radar (GPR), Zhurong explored Utopia Planitia, a vast plain in Mars’ northern hemisphere. The CAS research team identified 16 “polygonal wedges” approximately 35 feet beneath the surface, covering an expansive area of three-quarters of a square mile. This discovery hints at the widespread existence of such formations under Utopia Planitia, as detailed in the Nature Astronomy paper.

While NASA had previously detected similar Martian polygons, this marks the first instance of using GPR to measure them. The CAS researchers propose that these structures were “possibly generated by freeze-thaw cycles,” akin to Earth’s winter and spring phenomena, although the exact formation process remains uncertain.
What adds to the intrigue is the paper’s prediction that these polygons likely originated during the Late Hesperian–Early Amazonian eras on Mars, between 3.7 and 2.9 billion years ago. This temporal association suggests the possibility of ancient bodies of water in or around the identified area, offering a glimpse into Mars’ watery past.

Zhurong’s previous readings have already hinted at Mars harboring abundant water in the past, with the potential timeline extending as recently as 400,000 years ago. Another significant revelation from the rover points to massive floods on the Red Planet, contributing to the layers beneath Utopia Planitia’s surface where the polygonal structures now reside.
Remarkably resembling Earth’s “patterned ground” phenomenon, these Martian polygons strengthen the case for Mars’ historical water abundance and raise the tantalizing prospect of past extraterrestrial life. The combined findings underscore Zhurong’s pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of Mars and advancing our understanding of the planet’s ancient dynamics.