Amazing This New Soft Caterpillar Robot Moves Its Body By Origami Power TaimurMay 11, 20240 A groundbreaking soft-bodied robot, dubbed the Robotopillar, has emerged from a collaboration between engineers at...
Amazing This New Pop-Up Emergency Shelter Is Inspired By Polar Bear Skin Fatima ShakeelApril 11, 20220 Polar bears are warm-blooded creatures that survive in the freezing Arctic. Their heavy fat and fur let them absorb...
Amazing This New Origami Lunar Habitat Can Unfold Into 750 Times Its Size Jannat Un NisaNovember 10, 20210 'Space Architects' Sebastian Aristotelis and Karl-Johan Sorensen are two Danish designers from SAGA who designed the...
Amazing Watch This Guy Make A Ninja Star Using Origami The EngineerMarch 9, 20200 Anyone who has watched the famous TV show, Prison Break, is fully aware of how amazing and meaningful origami can be....
Amazing Kirigami And Engineering Join Hands For Creating Shapeshifting Sheets The EngineerSeptember 23, 20190 Kirigami is sometimes jokingly known as the lesser-known cousin of origami. It is a variation on origami and relies on...
Gadgets Robotic Origami Stroller Charges Your Mobile As You Push The EngineerJuly 27, 20130 Science is progressing fast, look at what we have achieved in the last decade! It never does cease to amaze us; new...