Snapchat Is Making An AI Bot Similar To ChatGPT – Available To Every User

Snapchat, the social networking app that pioneered ephemeral messaging, has announced the extension of its AI chatbot capabilities. The business is making its GPT-powered AI chatbot, My AI, available to all users for free. The change is part of Snapchat’s strategy to separate itself from rivals Instagram and TikTok.

My AI was first made available as part of Snapchat’s Snapchat+ subscription service. However, the corporation has now opted to allow all customers to ask open-ended inquiries, request creative content, and converse with virtual assistants on a daily basis. This is a significant step forward in Snapchat’s capacity to help people express themselves, learn about the world, and have fun together.

One of the most interesting aspects of this new feature is the ability to add AI to group chats. This means that the user can refer to the virtual assistant for any queries that arise during the chat. Additionally, paid users can send photos to AI assistants and receive AI-finished images.

While this feature promises to be enjoyable to play with, it also has the potential to be a helpful tool. Users, for example, can ask the AI to prepare specific items and receive a recipe. This tool is particularly handy for folks who are short on time or wish to try out new recipes.

However, the AI has been chastised for being unsuitable for younger users. The bot is accused of delivering inappropriate advice to its 12-year-old reporter. While delivering a vital service to all of its users, Snapchat must take adequate precautions to protect its young users.

In general, the introduction of AI is a welcome step for Snapchat users. By making this AI discussion more accessible, the company is strengthening its capacity to accomplish its objective of assisting people in expressing themselves, exploring the world, living in the moment, and having fun together. The move demonstrates Snapchat’s dedication to distinguishing itself from competition and providing unique and engaging experiences to its users.

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