We would like to start this post by sharing what the photographer Angelo Merindino stated on his blog:
‘By sharing our story, our love story, something beautiful has begun to grow out of something so horrible and unfair. If we don’t share our experiences how can we learn, grow and survive?’
What is this all about? Angelo’s wife Jennifer was diagnosed with cancer and he made a decision at that moment, the decision was to capture the struggle that he and his wife were about to go through. The result is something that is so powerful and emotionally inspiring that words do fail to describe it. For those of you who have lost their loved ones via cancer they can relate to the pictures and are well aware of how cancer grows while draining your loved one of life.
The pictures that follow are the courtesy of mywifesfightwithbreastcancer.com.
Cancer takes millions of lives every year and cancer treatments are not always effective. The only way for us is to spread more and more awareness among masses for all forms of cancers such as breast cancer, mesothelioma, Prostate cancer etc.
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