Scientists Say Sleeping Less Than 7 Hours A Day Can Affect Your Heart

Do you belong to the group of people who struggle to balance their hectic schedule and end up skipping sleep in order to keep up? Approximately one-third of Americans only receive five to six hours of sleep every night, which is less than the recommended seven to eight hours. It may not be widely known, but even a small, persistent sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on heart health and raise the chance of heart disease in the future.

A study conducted by Columbia University shed light on the physiological consequences of inadequate sleep. The research revealed that after just six weeks of reduced sleep, cells lining the blood vessels became overloaded with harmful oxidants. Unlike well-rested cells, sleep-deprived cells failed to activate antioxidant defenses, leading to swollen and impaired cells—the initial stages of cardiovascular disease development.

Sanja Jelic, MD, the director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at Columbia University, emphasized that this study provides crucial direct evidence linking mild chronic sleep deficits to heart disease. Previous studies predominantly focused on acute sleep deprivation over a few nights, not reflecting the long-term patterns that most people experience.

The researchers aimed to replicate the common sleep pattern seen in adults—consistent waking times but delayed bedtimes. They enrolled healthy women who usually sleep seven to eight hours and observed that shifting bedtime by 1.5 hours resulted in negative physiological changes.

The takeaway from this research is unmistakable: give getting enough sleep first priority. Jelic highlights that “many problems could be solved if people sleep at least seven to eight hours per night.” It is imperative that people understand the effects of sleep deprivation on their cardiovascular health, particularly those who are young and healthy. The risk of heart disease can be considerably reduced by establishing a regular sleep schedule and making an effort to obtain enough sleep each night.

The group intends to investigate the impact of varying bedtimes on vascular cells in further studies, which will deepen our comprehension of the significant relationship between heart health and sleep. For now, the lesson is straightforward: get enough sleep to protect your heart.

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