Scissors Have Been Reinvented With This Innovative Design

Some amazing inventions of the past have not been changed or improved since their inception. Scissors are one of those inventions and though it is to believe, a man has come up with a better and more ergonomic product known as Right Shears. Right Shears bring your hand position at a 90-degrees angle to the cutting blades using the idea of the natural upright position of the hand. This makes the scissors more comfortable to hold as well as gives the hand greater leverage to cut through various materials, thereby solving an unknown problem.


Here’s the designer’s story on how he came up with the idea of Right Shears.

“My father-in-law and I were cutting wire mesh to cover a basement vent on his home in order to keep the critters out… It was a two person job: he held the wire mesh apart while I hacked at it with a regular pair of snips…and the wire mesh in return hacked away at our hands! I kept thinking that I had to get my hands out of the way of that wire mesh somehow, and when the solution occurred to me, I knew it was something I had to build!”

When you use scissors for a long time, the constant awkward position of your hand results in painful cramps. If you are cutting something like a metallic mesh wire, well, it means additional problems. Right Shears solves all of these problems and is probably the most ergonomic scissors made to this date.

Image Credits: Right Shears Kickstarter Page
Image Credits: Right Shears Kickstarter Page


Right Shears is quite easy to use. The designer even let his 3-year-old daughter use Right Shears under supervision. Despite the bigger size, she was more comfortable in using them than those conventional scissors. The founder also hopes that this reinvented tool will be able to help people with minor disability in arm/ hand movements, e.g., arthritis patients.

“I believe that Right Shears are useful for every single person, but I am unbelievably excited by the prospect of helping people suffering from various conditions affecting hand, wrist, arm and shoulder movement!  Please join me in bringing Right Shears to them and to the world!” says the designer of Right Shears.

View the following videos for a demo of Right Shears.

You can visit the Kickstarter page of Right Shears for more details.


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