Modifications no one requested is what social media platforms appear to take pleasure in. They have a blindness towards the well-known adage when it comes to unwanted ads or switching to non-chronological homepages: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and many others seem not to know about “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Instagram’s new update may seem like a small change but it certainly has users looking in the opposite direction and not for all the right reasons. If you felt an odd feeling when you opened the app today, it did not go unnoticed— Instagram has changed its font slightly.
The modification is small but noticable. The change is subtle, but the font on your profile page is now slightly larger; it’s so minor that it’s almost like experiencing the uncanny valley— you know something is off, yet you can’t quite place it.
Despite its subtlety, this change has sparked a flood of complaints on X (formerly Twitter). Users did not hold back their disdain, with many calling the new font ‘ugly’ and ‘skin crawling’. Some even joked about staging protests against it.

“Instagram changed its font and I hate it so much,” one user lamented. Another echoed the sentiment, saying, “The new Instagram font is so UGLY. WHY DID THEY DO THAT? It looks weird.”
A third user added, “If there’s one thing a creative is going to notice, it’s a font update. Me no likey the new Instagram font.” Some users even threatened to stop using the app, with one declaring, “This new Instagram font makes me want to delete the app.”
“Instagram slightly changed the font and it’s making my skin crawl…” another user complained.
Even if the adjustment is currently upsetting people, it probably won’t keep them away in the long run. Instagram has weathered criticism for its non-chronological feed and overabundance of advertisements in the past. Users are still using the platform and expressing hope that this font change will also be approved in the end, despite the complaints.