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New States Of Matter Have Been Revealed In A ‘First Time’ Quantum Flatland Discovery

New States Of Matter Unveiled In ‘First Time’ Quantum Flatland Discovery

Researchers at Georgia State University have made a recent discovery in quantum physics, particularly within the two-dimensional flatland system. Their research into the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) has led to the identification of entirely new states of matter.

The research team, led by Professor Ramesh G. Mani, delved into the complexities of the FQHE and their experiments revealed surprising new properties of FQHE states when a supplementary current was applied, leading to the splitting and intersecting of these states in ways never before observed.

“Our latest findings push the boundaries of this field, offering new insights into these complex systems,” said Professor Mani.

These discoveries were made under extreme experimental conditions, with temperatures nearing absolute zero (-459°F or -273°C) and magnetic fields nearly 100,000 times stronger than Earth’s. Such conditions allowed the team to gain a deeper understanding of the excited states within these quantum systems.

“The results are fascinating, and it took quite a while for us to have a feasible explanation for our observations,” U. Kushan Wijewardena, a faculty member at Georgia College and State University stated.

The team utilized high-mobility semiconductor components, made from gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide, to create a two-dimensional environment that facilitated the unimpeded movement of electrons. This setup allowed them to observe the unprecedented splitting and crossing of FQHE states, marking the first time such a phenomenon has been reported.

“This is the first time we’ve reported these experimental findings on achieving excited states of fractional quantum Hall states induced by applying a direct current bias,” said Wijewardena.

Professor Mani said, “Think of the traditional study of fractional quantum Hall effects as exploring the ground floor of a building. Our study is about looking for and discovering the upper floors — those exciting, unexplored levels — and finding out what they look like.”

Funded by the National Science Foundation and the Army Research Office, this study not only challenges existing theories but also proposes a hybrid origin for the observed non-equilibrium excited-state FQHEs. The implications of these findings extend far beyond the laboratory, with potential applications in quantum computing and materials science that could revolutionize data processing and energy efficiency technologies.

Looking ahead, the research team plans to further investigate these phenomena under even more extreme conditions, employing novel methodologies to uncover additional complexities within quantum systems.

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