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New Selfie-Mirror Takes Your Selfies And Posts Them On Social Networks

Selfie Mirror 2

So you think that the Ellen DeGeneres’ Oscars celebrity selfie was the best selfie ever? What if we told you, you could take a better one? Yes, now you can.
Selfie Mirror 4Check out S.E.L.F.I.E. or “The Self Enhancing Live Feed Image Engine,” which is basically a two way mirror that automatically takes photographs of you eliminating the annoying constraint of your arm length. Oh and did we mention that this mirror automatically posts them on Twitter as well?

Selfie MirrorThe digital agency responsible for S.E.L.F.I.E, the iStrategyLabs, explained that it is basically a Mac mini strategically hidden behind the two way mirror. The mirror has LED lights for indication of when the photo will be taken, and a webcam embedded behind it. It also features a ‘face recognition’ software that takes the photo automatically as soon as it detects a face.

Selfie Mirror 3To make things even more convenient, the software is designed to add your logo to every selfie taken, before it posts it to Twitter. What started out as just an experiment, might be what we were all secretly wishing for. You can order one for yourself by contacting iStrategyLabs. Check out the video below for more details:

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