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New Computer Memory Type Will Replace DRAM And Flash Drives

A team of researchers from Lancaster University has developed and patented a new kind of computer memory that can help with the digital technology crisis that is becoming imminent. The newly developed computer features a new sort of memory that can replace the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and flash drives. The evolution of computer transforming it into a powerful device capable of ultra-low energy consumption computing is about to begin.

Latest Computer Memory Will Replace DRAM And Flash Drives

Researchers are actually quite happy about this development because of a solid reason; the IoT is emerging and evolving rapidly, taking over homes and offices. We are faced with a smarter and data-centric environment on a daily basis, and these environments require a lot of energy. The need for this energy will only grow as IoT becomes more and more integrated into our lives. The interconnected smart devices, speakers, and home devices will be in need of energy for processing of the data to deliver optimal functionality.

Latest Computer Memory Will Replace DRAM And Flash Drives

The concern is so grave that many experts believe that the energy savings from the efficient appliances and lighting will be reversed thanks to the increased usage of gadgets and computers. Nonetheless, by 2025, ‘a tsunami of data is expected to consume a fifth of global electricity.’ The recently created electronic memory device can help with this because it doesn’t have to boot up and is capable of going into energy saving mode between keystrokes.

Latest Computer Memory Will Replace DRAM And Flash Drives

According to Physics Professor Manus Hayne of Lancaster University, ‘Universal Memory, which has robustly stored data that is easily changed, is widely considered to be unfeasible, or even impossible, but this device demonstrates its contradictory properties. The idea is to combine the advantages of both without their drawbacks, and this is what we have demonstrated. Our device has an intrinsic data storage time that is predicted to exceed the age of the Universe, yet it can record or delete data using 100 times less energy than DRAM.’

The researchers relied on quantum mechanics for solving the dilemma of stable and long-term storage versus low-energy writing and erasing. The technology is set to replace the $100bn market that is currently occupied by the Dynamic Random Access Memory.

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