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New AI System Detects Shoplifting Instantly

shopifter AI detector

Chinese authorities have a number of new tools to identify and track down the suspects. One basic example of this is in a new artificial intelligence security camera called the A.I Guardman. It is developed by Japanese telecom company NTT East in partnership with a startup called Earth Eyes Corporation. The AI camera tracks and captures a shoplifter, identifies him or her easily in the middle of shoplifting. The system then alerts the store clerk. The Guardman is also able to identify the products which were suspiciously out of place.

A suspected shoplifter is then logged in the system’s database. The system is installed easily and doesn’t require much technical knowledge at the shop owners end. NTT East plans that the camera will be available for purchase in next three years within 10,000 stores. The camera itself will be sold next month for $2150. There is an additional $40 fee for a monthly subscription to get the cloud computing video analytics.

According to the makers, the camera system will be able to reduce shoplifting by 40%. This number seems incredibly high for a startup’s success. The system runs on open source technology which was initially developed by researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University.

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