It was recently reported that the Hubble Telescope had experienced a blackout. The connection was lost between the scientists and the machine, leaving room for several possibilities and assumptions behind the cause of this disconnection. After intensive brainstorming and troubleshooting for a couple of weeks, the device was rejuvenated by lighting up a backup system of energy. Researchers and scientists at NASA have now made it entirely functional on this system officially now.

It has been 31 long years since the telescope was created and sent to space. There have been no reports of issues of this severity for these past years. This is the reason scientists believed that this was probably the last time they were connecting with Hubble and will have to bid their farewell to the machine. However, the backup system came through and showed promising results. This backup system was incorporated into the telescope by the crew in 2009 and it proved incumbent to the survival of the machine.
The situation is deemed stable now and the functions of Hubble are being turned back to normal mode instead of the survival mode. This glitch in the system had created an ample amount of obstruction in the way of NASA’s operations. After all, the Hubble telescope has been a great asset to the organization and has abundantly aided scientists in discerning the formations of galaxies and celestial systems. It has proved to be the main source of information about the solar system and the moons of Pluto which were not known before. A hindrance in its operations would obviously have created a buzz.

Earlier, NASA would send people from the space shuttle crew to physically reach the telescope and mend the broken system. However, the telescope cannot be physically reached now so that option is redundant. If a hardware issue inflicts upon the telescope, Hubble will be no more.