Blood pressure monitoring devices are commonplace these days, with new inventions and creative models coming each day. Although most of the devices today are pretty easy to use and are convenient, this new monitor from Mocacare stands apart from the rest.
Many monitors from companies such as Withings, iHealth or Qardio are very popular, but Mocacare has built on these technologies and created a monitor which is easier as well as cheaper to use. Unlike other monitors, Mocacare’s monitor doesn’t need you to wrap up your shirt to measure the blood pressure. Instead, using state of the art technology and more sensitive sensors, you can simply wrap the monitor around your around your wrist, and get an instant reading!

Along with freeing you from the hassle of rolling up the sleeves every time you want to take a reading, the Mocacare monitor also gives freedom from using a separate app, and waiting for it to boot and then synchronize with the device before you can take the reading.

Instead, it uses a simple readout screen attached to the device, giving you an instant reading and saving all the fuss. The cuff can store 99 previous readings, and while it is focused on being simplistic, it does have an option of syncing with a smartphone and saving your readings for a referral later on.

The Mocacuff uses two AAA batteries, which can give about 250 readings, saving you the trouble of charging the device using a micro USB like many others. The device does need to be placed at the same level as your heart while you are measuring the pressure, which can be done by comfortably by resting your arm on the included case.

The Mocacuff is currently priced at a paltry sum of US$69 and is available for pre-order at $49. With a price so low while offering added convenience, this surely is the device to buy!