Latte, when presented with some latte art, takes the entire experience to a whole new level. The perfect Latte art can definitely brighten your mood, even if the coffee doesn’t. However, a barista in South Korea, Lee Kang Bin is taking the Latte art scene not to another level but another postal code.

His free-hand masterpieces that range from Van Gogh’s Starry Night to intricate cartoon characters have made him an Instagram sensation. The young artist not only has thousands of followers, he also earned himself a seat at the judge’s table for Latte art competitions around the globe.

The astonishing art pieces are made by Lee Kang Bin, by merely using a thin rod of metal as a painting brush and foods dyes as paints and milk foam as a canvas. Judging from his masterful skills and patience, we reckon there is nothing he can’t draw.

“I wanted to surpass the limitations of traditional latte art by introducing colors and a wider ra nge of designs, I think it’d be a great addition to the art bar section of the World Latte Art Championship WLAC WLAC, and I hope to breathe new life into an otherwise isolated path in the industry.”
The latte art based on food-dye is called CreamArt and much like the rest of the world, Korean Baristas are following this viral trend, many of these enthusiasts are learning from Lee Kang Bin. Here are some of his masterpieces;