Japan Scientists Have Created A 3D-Printed Wagyu Beef Steak For The Very First Time

Scientists at Japan’s Osaka University have created a lab-grown steak that closely matches items manufactured from the world-renowned breeds of Wagyu beef cattle – an environmentally conscious and sustainable alternative to a real treat.

According to a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, the researcher collected two types of stem cells from Wagyu cows, incubated them, and then converted them into muscle, fat, and blood vessel cells. The result is a three-dimensional high-fat steak that measures five by ten millimeters with marbling of Wagyu beef.

“Using the histological structure of Wagyu beef as a blueprint, we have developed a 3D-printing method that can produce tailor-made complex structures, like muscle fibers, fat, and blood vessels,” said lead author Dong-Hee Kang in a statement.

According to the research, the technology might be used to generate tailored pieces of Wagyu steak, a fantasy for any meat lover prepared to try lab-grown beef.

“By improving this technology, it will be possible to not only reproduce complex meat structures, such as the beautiful Sashi of Wagyu beef but to also make subtle adjustments to the fat and muscle components,” senior author Michiya Matsusaki said.

Schematic illustrates the fabrication technique of the world's first lab-grown Wagyu beef

With the first-ever lab-grown meat plant opening in Israel in June, the lab-grown food sector is becoming a fully-fledged commercial venture.

In fact, the researchers at Osaka University aren’t the only ones who want to develop lab Wagyu. Orbillion Bio, a Silicon Valley company, has also displayed similar meats, such as Wagyu meatloaf and elk.

The advantages of making meat in a lab are abundant. It avoids issues about animal suffering and may have a much lower environmental impact and allows customers to eat meat tailored to their preferences.

Source: Osaka University via EurekAlert

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