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Inside The Dubai Mall – The World’s Best Shopping Experience


Ever wondered where is the world’s most detailed shopping mall located? Today we bring to you the amazing Dubai Mall that stands at the feet of the tallest building in the whole world, Burj Khalifa and houses about 1,200 stores and costed $20 billion to construct.

We all know how big the Westfield Centre in London is, right? Now multiply that gigantic centre four times and you’ll get the size of Dubai Mall that was opened back in 2007 with 600 retailers, making it the biggest commercial project and also the grandest mall to have ever been made. The mall has an area of about 1200 million square feet, almost equaling 50 football stadiums (just in case you were wondering).Dubai Mall 2

The car park is more or less of the same size as the shopping mall and can hold 16,000 cars. The Dubai Mall caters to the needs of 26 million people per year. If you think that Dubai Mall only houses 1,200 shops; you are so wrong! It has a myriad of other interesting stuff as well. Dubai Aquarium is the most fascinating of all with a dimension of 51x20x11 m while offering large viewing panels into the aquarium. It contains more than 33,000 animals of 85 species and about 400 rays and sharks. The visitors are amazed to witness the ‘Living Ocean’, ‘Rocky Shore’ and spending time in penguin colony!Dubai Mall 5

The Dubai Aquarium comes with a 270 degree walkthrough tunnel that has been made out of glass and allows for close up views of the aquarium. The aquarium has lunar cycle lightning system which translates into; tank changes its ambience based on the time of the day. On level two of this mall, you will find the Reel Cinemas Movie megaplex which houses 22 cinemas altogether.

One can also witness the Dubai Fountain that is basically located on the 30 acre Burj Khalifa Lake and is capable of sending water 500 feet up in the air and boy oh boy, is that a sight to look at or what!

So, next time you plan a holiday be sure to visit Dubai mall and enjoy this wonderfully engineered building.

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