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New Data Shows That China Is Winning The War Against Pollution


The cities in China have the worst air pollution all over the world. Most citizens in China need to wear a face mask when they go outside. As a result of the pollution, the Chinese life expectancy has also suffered a lot. The rising pollution crisis compelled the government to declare a ‘war against pollution’ in 2014. The results show that the country is so far winning in their war against the environmental pollution.

In the past four years, the pollution in the major cities of China has decreased by 32%. In some other cities, the percentage of pollution drop is even more. The reduction in the environmental pollution has been made possible after the implementation of some very aggressive policies by the Chinese government. These included the ban on construction of new coal plants, asking existing plants to reduce their emissions, lowering the automobile traffic. They also closed down some steel and coal mines. The result of all these prohibitions and ban is a dramatic reduction in the fine particles in the atmosphere, which was the basic reason behind the air pollution.

Beijing has achieved much greater reduction of the air pollution. In Beijing, the particulates dropped to 35% and in Shijiazhuang, the drop was seen at 39%. In these cities, China’s top priority is to keep the pollution underĀ 20% . For this reason, they have spent more than $50,000 only in Beijing. According to a report, if China keeps these policies against the environmental pollution. It will extend the life expectancy of its citizens by almost 2.4 years. In some cities, it can even be five years or more.
Godspeed China!

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