Indian Teen Throws His New BMW In Water After He Is Unhappy With The Birthday Gift Brand

Indian Youth Unhappy With The Brand Of The Car, Throws It In River

An Indian youth who was expecting to get a Jaguar sports car as a birthday present from his parents was angry to see that he had been gifted a brand new BMW instead. To demonstrate how angry he was, he decided to throw the brand new BMW into a river. The name and age of the angry teen remain unknown so far.

Indian Youth Unhappy With The Brand Of The Car, Throws It In River

A number of Indian sources have stated that he is a resident of Yamuna Nagar in Haryana is the son of a local landlord. Luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, or Jaguar have actually become quite a common sight in Haryana. Many landowners purchase these cars using the money that they get from the government in exchange for their land to be utilized for a variety of infrastructure projects.

Indian Youth Unhappy With The Brand Of The Car, Throws It In River

Such cars are, however, abandoned soon enough after they are acquired on account of the high maintenance costs of these cars. This particular angry teen, however, abandoned the car in a rive because he was not fond of the brand. It has been reported that upon seeing that he had been gifted a white BMW sedan – either 3-series or 5-series – instead of the coveted Jaguar that he wanted, the unnamed Indian youth pushed the new car in a local river to demonstrate his anger.

Indian Youth Unhappy With The Brand Of The Car, Throws It In River

Owing to heavy rainfall – Monson season – the river was swollen while the car was being pushed into it. The car ended up traveling quite a lot of distance before it ended up getting stuck on a bank of tall grass. A video shows the angry young man along with some of his friends attempting to recover the white BMW by making use of an inflatable raft. The video is already famous on social media from the past couple of days. BMW cars sell for about 3.5 million rupees whereas the Jaguars cost around 4-5 million rupees.

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