How To Hide Likes On Instagram & Get More Likes Organically

Despite the fact that IG has had an option to hide the number of likes for a long time, this data is still measured by the system. The number of views, and the time spent with the content, the number of comments influence on how the algorithm will promote your publication to other users. Therefore, by hiding the number of likes, you may feel psychologically better when viewing someone else’s content if you are strongly influenced by the number of likes on other people’s publications. 

However, if you run Instagram for business, you need to look at the number of likes since this is just an analytical tool. 

In this article we will look at how to increase the number of likes and, in principle, the reach of your content by using hashtags that are easy to collect with the help of any Instagram hashtag generator. Let’s tap into 3 ways to hide likes. You can use this on a personal account, but I wouldn’t advise you to do it for business purposes. In the second section of this article, we will look at how to increase the number of likes and, in particular, reach on Instagram.

How to hide likes on Instagram

There are three easy ways to hide your likes. Now this function is available in all regions and in a few clicks you can either hide the number of likes in the entire post, or apply this function only for a specific post. 

Note: Also, you should understand that by hiding the number of likes on your posts, you will not be able to see the number of likes from other users. Therefore, if you still need a moment of analytics and understanding of what Instagram is in demand now, we don’t advise you to hide the number of likes. Alternatively, you can analyze top content on Instagram by using special services like a profile analyzer.

#1 Hide the number of likes for a specific post

  1. Go to the menu that is hidden behind three dots in a publication that is already posted. 
  2. Select the menu item Hide Like Count. 
  3. It is on this publication that users will not see the number of likes and will only view the line “a certain @user who has liked + other users”. 

Once can hide the number of likes before posting the content. Thus, you will advance the ability to view the likes count  for all users of the social network. Setting this up for a single post is easy. 

  1. Before publishing, you need to go to advanced settings. 
  2. There you will find a menu item to Hide Like Count. 

#2 Method for the entire profile

  1. If you need to implement this functionality not only for a single post but for the entire profile, then you need to go to the profile settings.
  2. Next, type the word Post in the search bar. You will be taken to the Post settings in the app. 
  3. Activate the toddler on the item Hide Like Count. 

The first way is a great opportunity not to hide the number of likes for yourself, but only to protect certain publications. At the same time, you will not lose the number of likes of other users. But if you want to permanently hide the number of likes on your profile and don’t see how many likes other users have, then apply the second method.

Surely, the number of likes doesn’t mean that your content is attractive. Often, useful informative and important posts will have few likes, but the algorithm will promote them organically. 

  • People have forwarded this post many times. When users share content for an algorithm, it is a sure sign that it is interesting and it will show it to more users. 
  • People saved post. This is also a signal for the algorithm that the publication is interesting – the user wants to return to it since he has even added it to the Saved. 
  • The time users spend watching content. In this case, it is beneficial for you to make carousels and publish videos. Because the longer you watch a certain photo or video, the more clearly the algorithm understands that a certain type of content or topic is a priority. 

This will make it easier to detect similar content so that you spend more time in the application. And also it will be able to better select targeted advertising for you. 

Use hashtags to get promoted by the algorithm

The overall reach of the publication is strongly influenced by hashtags. By the way, the CTA at the end of the text – put a like, put a comment – works great, therefore leave such calls to action under each post in order to motivate shares.

If you use Instagram for business, then tags will become an integral tool for your promotion. It is best to choose tags using special services, because this application is completely inconvenient to do. Instagram has a single internal search bar to find tags. However, there is absolutely no function to copy the tags or add them to your favorites. Therefore, the only way to build a base of tags is with tags generators. How do these tools work? 

  • The more advanced the service is, the more the tags base is updated. Also, it may offer tags by several keywords at once. When choosing a generator, pay attention to how large the database is, how often it is updated, and what options for maintaining keywords the generator provides. 
  • Some services can browse by the picture. This is a very convenient and quick way that will allow you not to rack your brains over what your publication is about, what to write in the keyword string. However, this method has a tangible disadvantage, despite the fact that the technology is based on artificial intelligence, the art of intelligence is not always able to understand the true meaning and significance of your publications. 

It means that it will most likely skip synonyms – it will focus exclusively on what is shown in the picture. 

For example, you can post a photo of a child’s toy. The generator will pick up tags but it will not take into account the intent – why this user may want to buy this toy, or who is looking for it specifically. Therefore, this is a simple method, but not a very deep analysis. 

Finding hashtags by a link. This is how you can add tags to already posted publications. Conveniently, good services will offer you not only direct matches with your keyword or image in the picture, but also themed close options based on the Instagram application. This will allow you to expand your set and make a selection of diverse tags that will lead to higher reach.

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