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How The Empire State Building Was Constructed In 1931? These Cool Pictures Reveal

The pictures below were made available by the New York Public Library and showcase the wonderful work done by photographer Lewis Wickes Hine (1874-1940). The photos were taken while the Empire State Building was being constructed. The pictures give us a look into the past by showing us how these buildings were constructed.

12. The Courageous Workers.

Check out the construction of Empire State Building that offers 102 floors and a roof height of 1,250ft. These are the people who complete the building without worrying about the safety.

11. The Fearless Team Work

The team showed quite a spirit and was able to complete the building within 410 days.

10. No Much Safety

Check out how unsafe the working environment was; workers are traversing the steel beams without using harnesses.

9. The Lunch Time

Open air lunch?

8. Nap Time

Yes, that is exactly how they slept!

7. Dizzying heights

You can see New York City in the background and this puts a perspective of height into the order.

6. No Safety Equipment’s To Prevent Falling

Workers worked without making use of any safety equipment. Passion or lack of funds?

5. Less Technology, More Hard Work

Back in the days it was more about the hard work instead of the technology.

4. Self Belief

How did they fight the fear?

3. Way Of Transport


2. Dedication

The building was completed 3 months early and in less than anticipated budget as well.

1. The Result

Respect the workers for their effort!

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