Here’s Why Microsoft’s HoloLens Will Be The Next Evolution In Computing

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Microsoft has a vision for the future, and that future is on the level of ‘Star Trek’ or ‘Minority Report’. All these terms and technology, straight out of science fiction, fit perfectly with Microsoft’s HoloLens. Microsoft’s HoloLens

Microsoft’s HoloLens unveiled its prototype in Redmond, Washington recently. It is a sleek flashy headset with transparent lenses. You can see the world around you, but suddenly that world is transformed with 3D objects floating in midair, virtual screens on the wall and your living room covered in virtual characters bouncing off the walls. It has all the workings of a computer built directly into the headset. That means no cords or even a smartphone is required. Microsoft’s HoloLens2 Microsoft’s HoloLens3

The world isn’t even close to the technology in ‘The Matrix’ or ‘Star Trek’, but companies nowadays are surely taking a step in that direction. Microsoft’s HoloLens is not actually producing 3D images that everyone can see rather it only shows the images to the wearer. Everyone else will just think you’re wearing funky glasses. The company is not trying to transport you to a different world, but rather bring the wonders of computing into our world. The goggles will track your movements, watch your gaze and transform what you see by blasting light at your eyes (no, it doesn’t hurt). Since the device tracks where you are, you can use hand gestures to interact with the 3D images. Microsoft’s HoloLens5 Microsoft’s HoloLens6 Microsoft’s HoloLens4

Holograms will improve the way you do things every day and enable you to do things you’ve never done before. The HoloLens blends holograms with reality. Microsoft’s HoloLens3 Microsoft’s HoloLens2 Microsoft’s HoloLensThe company feels that this will be the next evolution in computing. Microsoft is already working with creators and developers all over the world on exciting new holographic experiences and hope that the world won’t have a hard time to catch on to this new technology. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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